Promoting and enhancing the wellbeing of the whole school community is at the heart of school life in St. Clare's College. As part of the school’s self-evaluation, there is ongoing consideration and monitoring of the school’s culture, relationships and policies to ensure that student wellbeing is being supported.
Junior Cycle
At Junior Cycle level, there is a co-ordinated approach to wellbeing, through the curricular aspects, CSPE, SPHE and PE.
Senior Cycle
The wellbeing of senior cycle students is supported through programmes delivered by the Student Support Team, the Religious Education Department and the Guidance Team, including an academic monitoring programme.
Individual Students
Individual students experiencing wellbeing issues are supported through the School’s Student Support Team. The school also works in close co-operation with the National Educational Psychological Services (NEPS), TUSLA, the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and other statutory and non-statutory agencies that support individual students experiencing difficulties in relation to their wellbeing